11th AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium
20th December – 23rd December 2023 (In-person)
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Venue: Jagdish Sheth School of Management (JAGSoM), Bengaluru Campus
The AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium aims to provide a platform to share and to stimulate new thoughts, approaches, and quantitative/ qualitative investigations in the dynamic field of Marketing to advance the extant knowledge in the field. The consortium brings together…
Prof. A Parasuraman
Pro-Chancellor, Vijaybhoomi University, India Mentor, AIM-Parasuraman Center for Service Excellence, Jagdish Sheth School of Management, India Emeritus Professor & James W. McLamore Chair Emeritus, University of Miami, USAProf. Atish Chattopadhyay
Professor of Marketing and Director, Jagdish Sheth School of Management, India
Vice- Chancellor, Vijaybhoomi University, India
Prof. Denish Shah
Barbara and Elmer Sunday Associate Professor of Marketing
Founding Director, Social Media Intelligence Lab
Executive Director, Marketing (CMO) RoundTable
Georgia State University, USA
Prof. A Parasuraman
Pro-Chancellor, Vijaybhoomi University, India Mentor, AIM-Parasuraman Center for Service Excellence, Jagdish Sheth School of Management, India Emeritus Professor & James W. McLamore Chair Emeritus, University of Miami, USATRACKS
B2B and Sales
Consumer Behavior
AI and Machine Learning
Digital/Social/Mobile Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Customer/Brand Management
Service Marketing
Modeling/Empirical Analyses
Sustainability and Cause-related Marketing
Special Topics
Confirmed Faculty Mentors
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Sara Lopes Morais
ISCTE - Lisbon University Institute
Khushboo Vaishnav
IFHE Hyderabad
Mrs.Meghna Verma
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Swetarupa Chatterjee
IIM Shillong
Narek Grigorian
Bayes Business School (formerly Cass)
Ashwin J. Baliga
IIT Madras
Smita Santoki
Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth (TMV University, Pune)
Bijal Mehta
Ahmedabad University
“The learning from the editors during the plenary sessions and the engagement during that period was amazing. The global cafe session for me was the pivot. noticeably, the professors in my session were leaders in that topic area. this is highly encouraging because their inputs is relatable and speaks volumes to the future of my project.
I am also highly impressed with the seamless online organization. This is really fantastic. The movement across each of the sessions and the breakout sessions were professionally organized. I believe subsequent sessions if well organized in this format voids the in person session which can be some how limiting. Though physical contact is crucial, I think this can be better compensated through other means. I appreciate so much the flexibility of having an interactive online time table. This helped significantly especially those of us outside the time zone of US and India to easily navigate the timing and not miss out on each session. The early morning reminders about the session and provision of the link also comes in very timely. Helping to better prioritize and not get lost in details."
Samson Ajayi
PhD Researcher, ISCTE Business School, Portugal
Rekha Raghavan
International School of Management Excellence (ISME)
Sandhya Banda
Indian School of Business
Abhishek Kumar
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
Nagendra S M
IIT Ropar
Dr. M. Sivagnanasundaram
Professor & Chairperson (Marketing),
Jagdish Sheth School of Management (JAGSoM),
India Convenor,
Doctoral Consortium
Mr. Jayant Shah
Executive Director,
Academy of Indian Marketing (AIM)
Dr. Kavya T B
Faculty Associate,
Jagdish Sheth School of Management (JAGSoM)
Mr. Pramod B.
Assistant Registrar
Jagdish Sheth School of Management (JAGSoM)