Prof. Varsha Jain
Prof. Varsha Jain, the AGK chair, professor of marketing, and co-chairperson of research at the MICA, India. She is an associate editor (AE) at four “A” journals, the journal of consumer behaviour, the journal of advertising research, the Journal of consumer marketing, and the Australasian Marketing Journal. She received the best AE award from JCB in 2022; an editorial board member at the international journal of information management (A* Journal) and Journal of business research (A journal, social media track), and co-track chairperson at, advertising Academy of marketing science, USA the annual conference, 2023. She is the vice chair of international relations, higher education, special interest group, and the American Marketing Association, USA. She received the best paper-runner award from American Marketing Association Conference in January 2023. She has authored over 120+ publications, including multiple papers in A* and A journals, including the European journal of marketing, international journal of information management, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Journal of Business Research., book chapters, and case studies in Marketing Management textbook 15/e (by Philip Kotler, Father of Marketing which is a Bible for Marketing Management, as a case contributor, by invitation) Ivey case collections and the Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection to name a few. This blend of books, papers, and cases reflects her passion for global research and international impact.
She is the recipient of more than 24 international and national awards and gold medals in scholarship, such as “the First MICA AGK Annual Award for Excellence in Research 2020-2021”, MICA, India, “JCB Best Reviewer Award 2020,” “Femina Women Leadership Award for Excellence in Education”- 2018 “DNA Education Leadership Award”- 2018 by World HRD Congress, Mumbai, India, “Outstanding Management Researcher Award – 2016”, “Young Outstanding Management Researcher – 2013”, and “Outstanding Woman Management Researcher–2012”, awarded by AIMS (The Association of Indian Management Scholars) International.
In her global research career, she is a visiting guest at Emory Business School, Atlanta, USA, visiting scholar at Greenwich University, London, and The Medill School, Northwestern University, USA. Her interest areas are ABCD – advertising, branding, consumer behavior, and digital (primarily, immersive technologies, including AI, AR, VR, and Meta). She is also co-editor for special issues related to AI, social media influencers, and Metaverse for JCB, due by this year. She has co-edited a special issue on Gamification, a journal of Promotion management. She has co-authored books with Prof. Jag Sheth and Prof. Don Schlutz, including consumer behavior: A Digital Native. She is working on the international edition of a consumer behavior book in the digital context, AI as the next frontier for personalized engagement for services, customer relationship management for digital context with Prof. Sheth, and purpose-driven branding and other branding books with Prof. David Aaker and another book on qualitative research methods in the digital age, Mcmillan, UK.