Pranav Patel
Institutions are long living organisations, which have age much longer than any individual human being. This longevity is caused by the institutionalisation of the organisation, which is done by establishing something as a convention or norm in an organisation or culture. However, for the institution to keep functioning, it is very important for a leader to be at its epitome. Who is positioned there to give direction to the institution.
A leader of an institution is only in the position for a specific period of time, post which a new leader takes over. The longitivtiy of this period may weary depending on the type of an organisation. Corporates might have a Chairman / CEOs leading the company for a specific number of years, political parties might have a person in position till his last breath or for a tenure if democratically organised, administration will have a person in position till the time the next transfer ordered and in Higher Education Institutes it will wary according to the nature of the institute weather run by Government, Private or hybrid.
In this context, when the Leadership is to be changed of an institute, which has been surviving for years and possibly will survive for many years to come. It becomes important that the transition happens without affecting the organisational performance.
Change in leadership of a functional organisation is a complex process. Managing which requires adequate vision, planning, research and implementation.
Keeping the above in mind, I propose this research project for my PhD research which will work on creating a an effective strategy for Leadership Succession Management in Higher Education Institutes of India.