Prof. Ernest R. Cadotte
The University of Tennessee
United States of America
Dr. Cadotte is the Emeritus Professor of Innovative Learning at the University of Tennessee. He earned his Ph.D. at The Ohio State University, MBA from the University of Colorado, and BS from Michigan State University.
For more than thirty years, Dr. Cadotte has been developing business flight simulators for college students and entrepreneurs. He is the developer of the Marketplace family of simulations. More than 1,000,000 students and business professionals have participated in one of his simulations as part of their business education.
Among all of his creations, the Conscious Capitalism in the Marketplace simulation is a game changer. Dr. Cadotte partnered with Dr. Raj Sisodia, the spiritual leader of Conscious Capitalism, to create this Marketplace simulation. The simulation challenges participants to operate a conscious business in contrast to the traditional profit-maximizing business paradigm. Students must consider all of the firm’s stakeholders, including customers, stockholders, employees, suppliers, and the community. They must deal with ethical, environmental, and sustainability issues in addition to the usual management challenges of running a business. It is designed to foster enlightened leadership among business professionals.